JTBCŌĆÖs Reborn Rich has become the hottest topic. With only two episodes remaining, the focus is now on how Jin Do Jun (Song Joong Ki) will finish his revenge. Even the JTBC PR team was previewed up to episode 15. The team member shared, ŌĆ£WeŌĆÖve been asked so many questions from our family, friends, and even network staff, but we havenŌĆÖt seen the final episode either, so we donŌĆÖt know how the drama ends.ŌĆØ But from the information gathered, the ending has two major points. First, itŌĆÖs different from the original novel. The original work ended with Do Jun marrying Seo Min Young (Shin Hyun Bin) as the new chairman of Sunyung Group and mourning Yoon Hyun WooŌĆÖs death on the cliff where he was killed. The villain that killed his old self is sent to prison. But Writer Kim Tae Hee is said to have chosen an open ending that doesnŌĆÖt deviate too much from the original ending. Do Jun will get his revenge, presenting a catharsis, but whether he takes control over the group or not and the ending for the villains werenŌĆÖt drawn out in detail, insiders say. Second, thereŌĆÖs an unexpected twist. An official from SLL shared, ŌĆ£A predictable ending was not an option from the beginning. ThereŌĆÖs a big twist on the way.ŌĆØ Another official said, ŌĆ£Do Jun and Min Young have a happy ending, but they donŌĆÖt get married.ŌĆØ They also brought up criticism toward their love story. ŌĆ£I agree to some extent that their romance breaks the flow of the play. But the narrative got messed up a bit because the later episodes were penned while filming, and there was an unfortunate event of having to edit out some scenes thatŌĆÖd have built up their romance.ŌĆØ

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Insiders Hint a Different Ending for  Reborn Rich  from the Original Novel - 38Insiders Hint a Different Ending for  Reborn Rich  from the Original Novel - 97